
Take to the sky as the pilot in command of your own personal plane in one of our ultra-realistic flight simulators.

Get a real feel for flight when you take the controls in our fully-enclosed cockpit with our Advanced sim, or enjoy a rush like never before as you experience flight in an exciting video-game like experience with our Basic sim.

All of our hands-on aviation sim experiences are sure to spark an early interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and deliver a learning experience like never before.

Not your average classroom – our flight sims demonstrate the real-world usefulness of a solid STEM education with an application to aviation.

Find out what it’s really like to be in the Captain’s seat as you hang out in the clouds. Our flight sims are perfect for pilots, aviation enthusiasts and budding pilots.

The sky is calling – select your flight sim and get ready to fly!


The Blue Angels Summer Camp was created to display the world of aviation. We deliver lessons and practical activities to introduce the topic of Flight, Aircraft Part, Weather, and most importantly how to fly. Campers will have full access to the flight simulator technology that we have available. Daily snacks will be provided as well as a field trip at the end of every 2nd week to see how what we learned operates in real time.

Book an appointment with Blue Angels Flight Experience using Setmore


Our Basic flight simulator is an excellent introduction into the fascinating world of aviation. It’s not only a great learning tool, but it is also the ultimate fun gaming experience. You can select your dream aircraft and take off for any destination you desire. With this sim, the world is at your fingertips and the sky is the limit. Create your flight plan and enjoy the freedom to fly anywhere in the world.


Our Intermediate flight simulator is an FAA approved Basic Aviation Training Device (BATD). This Sim represents a single engine piston aircraft and gives you the option to fly with or without a high performance engine, a constant speed propeller or retractable landing gear. Our Intermediate sim lets you test yourself while honing your skills and staying current!


This isn’t the flight simulator on your home computer! Step into the cockpit and learn what it’s really like to be in control at 30,000 feet in the air with real flight controls and instruments from an actual plane. This sim accurately simulates VFR flights which enables you to take your training to the next level. The wrap-around visual system will fully immerse you in your flight experience without ever having to leave the ground.

Our Advanced flight simulator is a fully enclosed FAA approved Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) that enables pilots to log FAA approved hours. With this flight sim you can practice flying in a range of IMC conditions using the world-wide terrain database. Our trainers can also transition you between dozens of different aircraft configurations within a few minutes by utilizing our advanced quick-change aircraft configuration system allowing you to hone your skills in a variety of aircraft.